chez del - hat star wars iii gesehen
Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2004
7. Oktober 2004 um 21:17:19 MESZh

Das Universum ist so groß, dass es fast ausgeschlossen ist nicht auf die eine oder andere Weise zu existieren

. Eine kleine Leseliste für Science-Fiction und Phantastik. (Rohfassung)

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7. Oktober 2004 um 20:25:21 MESZh

. zwei stunden nach der <a>verkündigung gab es beim größten österreichischen auslieferer nur noch "gier" in der teuren broschierten ausgabe, alles andere war weg. sofort zwei exemplare bestellt.

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7. Oktober 2004 um 15:16:07 MESZh

. warum nur muss genau über mir der sozialgestörteste, verhaltensauffälligste, dümmste, biederste, lärmempfindlichste bauingenieurstudent wohnen, seit häuser gebaut werden? kann mir das jemand sagen? aber bitte nur flüstern.

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7. Oktober 2004 um 01:09:46 MESZh



John Willmot penned his poetry riddled with the pox Nabakov wrote on index cards, at a lectem, in his socks St. John of the Cross did his best stuff imprisoned in a box And Johnny Thunders was half alive when he wrote Chinese Rocks

Well, me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears Me, I'm lying here, with nothing in my ears Me, I'm lying here, for what seems years I'm just lying on my bed with nothing in my head

Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me

There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes again

Karl Marx squeezed his carbuncles while writing Das Kapital And Gaugin, he buggered off, man, and went all tropical While Philip Larkin stuck it out in a library in Hull And Dylan Thomas died drunk in St. Vincent's hospital

I will kneel at your feet I will lie at your door I will rock you to sleep I will roll on the floor And I'll ask for nothing Nothing in this life I'll ask for nothing Give me ever-lasting life

I just want to move the world I just want to move the world I just want to move the world I just want to move

There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes again

So if you got a trumpet, get on your feet, brother, and blow it If you've got a field, that don't yield, well get up and hoe it I look at you and you look at me and deep in our hearts babe we know it That you weren't much of a muse, but then again I wasn't much of a poet

I will be your slave I will peel you grapes Up on your pedestal With your ivory and apes With your book of ideas With your alchemy O Come on Send that stuff on down to me

Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me Send that stuff on down to me Send it all around the world Cause here she comes, my beautiful girl

There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes, my beautiful world There she goes again

Umwerfendes Lied, sicher live auch: am 2. 12., leider im Gasometer, aber immerhin.

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7. Oktober 2004 um 00:59:56 MESZh

. <a>"Das Espresso" (*), 5-minütiger Dogma-Kurzfilm von T. Rottenberg.

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Oktober 2004

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